FreysBaking Social Media Baker Guide
With over 3 years of experience of the ups and downs of being a baker sharing on Instagram, I thought I would create this guide to help others! This includes everything I learned and the techniques I used to gain over 110k followers on Instagram.
FreysBaking Guide for Beginner Bakers
With over 3 years selling my baking on and off, I have a pretty good knowledge of what works and what doesn't. This guide is everything you need to know when starting a business, baking cupcakes, storage, equipment and more! Recipes not included.
FreysBaking Complete Colour Guide
In this in-depth guide, you will find all my tips and tricks for colour pairing, achieving deep colours, a discussion on food colouring and more!
FreysBaking Step by Step Buttercream Guide
Welcome to my buttercream recipe and guide! It includes a recipe card, step by step instructions, a troubleshooting guide and a quick colour guide. All available for $19.99 with lifetime access!